Sent Message

If you are on this page,
your message has been sent.
Or you clicked the post results link,
to see the results of the posts.
I will be tallying the votes
and posting the winner,
so check back often.
I will also be changing the
poll questions from time to time.

Decembers Winner
Tom Sawyer

January's Winner

February's Winner
Natural Science

March's Winner
Bytor & The Snowdog

April's Winner

May's Winner
Analog Kid

June's Winner
Twilight Zone

July's Winner
Closer to The Heart

August's Winner

September's Posts
Name: Ken, Place: Costa Mesa, CA, Choice: Hemispheres

Name: Scott, Place: Texas, Choice: Mission

Name: Tom Martinez, Place: San Benito, TX, Choice: Manhattan Project

Name: Matt Zivat, Place: Chicago, IL, Choice: Driven

Name: JR Hereth, Place: Chicago, IL, Choice: La Villa Stangiato

Name: Larry, Place: San Diego, CA, Choice: Twilight Zone

Name: J. Lininger, Place: California, Choice: Roll The Bones

Now hit your back button, or my back link, and sign my guestbook and fill out the poll if you haven't done so already. Please! Thanks.

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